Green, D.R. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change. Springer.
Green, D.R, and Payne, J. (NOAA) Marine & Coastal Resource Management, EarthScan Books
Green, D.R. et al. An Introduction to GIS, Whittles Publishing
Green, D.R., (Ed.) Coastal Zone Management, Thomas Telford Press (ISBN: 978-0-7277-3516-4), 392p
Green, D.R., (Ed.) Marine & Coastal GeoSpatial Technologies, Coastal Systems & Continental Margins Book Series, Springer (ISBN: 978-1-4020-9719-5), 461p
Green, D.R., (Ed.)Integrated Coastal Zone Management - The Present Global Scenario (Ed. Dr R. Krishnamoorthy et al), Research Publishing (ISBN: 978-981-05-8948-6), 800p
Green, D.R., Going Mobile: Mobile Technologies & GIS,URISA Quick Study,61p
Green, D R. and King, S.D, Coastal & Marine Geo-Information Systems: Applying the Technology to the Environment, Coastal Systems & Continental Margins Vol. 4, Kluwer, The Netherlands ,
Green, D R., and King, S.D., URISA Quick Study Guide: Coastal Remote Sensing Guidelines, URISA, 36p
Green, D.R. (Ed.) GIS in Secondary School Education, Taylor & Francis, 192p
Green, D R., Rix D. and Corbin C, The AGI Sourcebook for GIS 1997, AGI, London, 397p
Green, D R., Rix D. and Corbin C, The AGI Sourcebook for GIS 1996, AGI, London, 384p
Green, D R., and Rix D., The AGI Sourcebook for GIS 1995, AGI and John Wiley & Sons, 392p
Green, D R., Rix D. and Cadoux-Hudson, J., The AGI Sourcebook for GIS 1994,,Taylor & Francis, 538p
Green, D.R., Landscape Ecology & GIS, (Ed. with R. Haines-Young and S.
Cousins), Taylor & Francis, 288p