Green, D.R., 2012. Geospatial Tools and Techniques for Vineyard Management in the 21st Century. In, Geography of Wine: Studies in Viticulture and Wine. Chapter 13. Percy H. Dougherty (Ed.). Springer. 255p
Green, D.R. 2012. Australian Hydrographic Surveying. Section in the Historical Atlas (Monmonier, M.) (in press)
Green, D.R. 2010. Coastal Web Atlas Case Studies Around the World: United Kingdom. In, Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation. (Wright, D. et al. 2010 Eds.). Chapter 13:192-213 IGI Global - Information Science Reference. 321p.
Green, D.R., 2010. The Application of Geospatial Technologies to Medical Studies. Chapter 6b, PART 2 - Methodology. pp.109-110. In Ayres, J.G. et al., 2010. Environmental Medicine. Hodder-Arnold. 724p.
Aspinall, R., Green, D., Spray, C., Shimmield, T., and Wilson, J., 2010. NEA: Synthesis for Scotland 1 - Chapter 19. Scotland 1 - Status and changes in the UK's ecosystems and their services to society: a synthesis for Scotland. Reports from the UK National Ecosystem Assessment. UKNEA. pp. 897-978.
Green, D.R., 2009. Coastal Web Atlas Case Studies Around the World: United Kingdom. In, Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation. (Wright, D. et al. (2010) Eds.). Chapter 13:192-213 IGI Global - Information Science Reference. 321p.
Green, D.R., Carlisle, M., and Ortiz, J., 2009. Developing a Practical Method to estimate Water-Carrying Capacity for Surf Schools in North Cornwall, SW England. Chapter 11, in Green, D.R., (Ed.) Coastal Zone Management. Thomas Telford Limited. pp. 251-261.
Carlisle, M., and Green, D.R., 2009. The Role of Virtual reality (VR) in Visualising the Coast. Chapter 15, in Green, D.R., (Ed.) Coastal Zone Management. Thomas Telford Limited. pp. 335-357.
Green, D.R., and Mouatt, J., 2007. Chapter in Digital Geography. Geospatial Technologies in the Social Studies Classroom. Edited by Andrew J. Milson, University of North Texas. and Marsha Alibrandi, Fairfield University.
Green, D.R., 2007. Chapter 40 Contribution to Integrated Coastal Zone Management – The Present Global Scenario (Ed. Dr. R. Krishnamoorthy et al.).
Green, D.R., and Dawson, A., 2007. Chapter 42 Contribution to Integrated Coastal Zone Management – The Present Global Scenario (Ed. Dr. R. Krishnamoorthy et al.).
Green, D.R., and King, S.D., 2004. GIS-based Estuarine Management Systems. Chapter 18 in GIS for Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Research Monographs in GIS. (Bartlett, D, and Smith, J., Eds). CRC Press. To be published in 2004. pp. 239-255.
Green, D. R., and King, S.D., 2003. Application of New Technologies to Coastal Management. In: Taveiro-Pinto, F. (Ed.) Good Practices in Coastal Zone Management and Coastal Defence. Chapter 6. pp. 65-83. ISBN: 972-752-057-X. Hydraulics and Water Resources Institute, Porto, Portugal.
Green, D.R., and King, S.D., 2003. Advances in Coastal GIS Modeling. Chapter 21:553-580, in Advances in Coastal Modeling. Ed. V.C. Lakhan. Elsevier. 2003.
Green, D.R., and Ray, S.T., 2002. Using GIS For Siting Artificial Reefs - Data Issues, Problems And Solutions: 'Real World' To 'Real World' Chapter 9 in Coastal and Marine Geo-Information Systems: Applying the Technology to the Environment. Coastal Systems and Continental Margins. Vol. 4. Kluwer, The Netherlands. pp. 110-129
Green, D.R., and King, S.D., 2002. Internet-Based Information Systems: The Forth Estuary Forum (FEF) System, Chapter 32 in Coastal and Marine Geo-Information Systems: Applying the Technology to the Environment. Coastal Systems and Continental Margins. Vol. 4. Kluwer, The Netherlands. pp. 439-453
King, S.D., and Green, D.R., 2002. Matching Issue to Utility: An Hierarchical Store of Remotely Sensed Imagery for Coastal Zone Management. Chapter 34 in Coastal and Marine Geo-Information Systems: Applying the Technology to the Environment. Coastal Systems and Continental Margins. Vol. 4. Kluwer, The Netherlands. pp. 460-473
Green, D.R., and King, S.D., 2002. Access to Marine Data on the Internet for Coastal Zone Management:The New Millennium. Chapter 40 in Coastal and Marine Geo-Information Systems: Applying the Technology to the Environment. Coastal Systems and Continental Margins. Vol. 4. Kluwer, The Netherlands. pp. 539-563
Green, D.R., 2000. GIS in School Education: You Don't Necessarily Need a Microcomputer. Chapter 3 in GIS in Secondary School Education. Taylor and Francis. pp. 34-61.
Green, D.R., 2000. Geography, GIS and the Internet. Chapter 12 in GIS in Secondary School Education. Taylor and Francis. pp. 151-166.
Green, D.R., 2000. GIS in School Education: An Epilogue. Chapter 15 in GIS in Secondary School Education. Taylor and Francis. pp. 184-186.
Green, D.R., Freeman, D., and Hassell, D., 2000. A Guide to Geographical Information Systems. Chapter 14, in High-Tech Geography: ICT in Secondary Schools. Compiled by Sheila King, The Geographical Association. pp. 36-37.
Green, D.R. and Harley, S., 1999 Integrating Photointerpretation and GIS for Vegetation Mapping and Monitoring: Some Issues of Error. Chapter 7 in Vegetation Mapping: From Patch to Planet. (eds. R. Alexander and A. Millington) John Wiley and Sons. 1999. pp. 103-134.
Green, D.R., Cummins, R., and Wright, R., 1993. A Methodology for Acquiring Information on Vegetation Succession from Remotely Sensed Imagery. Chapter 9. In Landscape Ecology and GIS (see above). May 1993. pp. 111-128.